Celebrating Urban October: Empowering Youth in Urban Planning

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4 October 2023, Nairobi. – By 2050, it is estimated that 70% of the world’s population will reside in urban areas, according to UN data. This rapid urbanization presents both opportunities and challenges, underscoring the critical need for inclusive urban planning and sustainable development. In the quest for equitable and vibrant cities, the inclusion of youth voices is paramount. One initiative at the forefront of this effort is the Young Gamechangers Initiative, which aligns seamlessly with the objectives of Urban October.

Urban October serves as a platform for global dialogue and action on sustainable urbanization. From World Habitat Day to World Cities Day, the month-long observance invites stakeholders from diverse backgrounds – governments, NGOs, academia, and communities – to engage in discussions, activities, and events aimed at addressing urban challenges and leveraging opportunities for positive change.

At the heart of Urban October lies the recognition that the future of our cities depends on inclusive participation and collaboration. This ethos is embodied by the Young Gamechangers Initiative, a multi-partner endeavor launched at the World Urban Forum. Led by UN-Habitat, in partnership with the World Health Organization and the Block by Block Foundation, the initiative seeks to empower young people and enhance their role in shaping urban environments.

Young Gamechangers Initiative - Training of Trainers in the city of Armenia, Colombia. (c) UN-Habitat
Young Gamechangers Initiative - Training of Trainers in the city of Armenia, Colombia. (c) UN-Habitat

The Young Gamechangers Initiative focuses on three key pillars: strengthening governance frameworks, empowering youth voice and agency, and promoting inclusive public spaces conducive to the health and well-being of young residents. In selected intermediary cities such as Armenia (Colombia), Jatni (India), and Bargny (Senegal), the initiative is being piloted over a three-year period.

These cities serve as laboratories for innovative approaches to urban planning, where youth are recognized as catalysts for positive change. Through technical assistance, capacity-building workshops, and collaborative projects, the initiative aims to create vibrant, inclusive spaces that prioritize the needs of young people and improve overall quality of life.

Young Gamechangers Initiative - Training of Trainers in the city of Armenia, Colombia. (c) UN-Habitat
Young Gamechangers Initiative - Training of Trainers in the city of Armenia, Colombia. (c) UN-Habitat

By actively involving youth in decision-making processes and urban governance, the Young Gamechangers Initiative not only empowers the next generation of leaders but also fosters a sense of ownership and belonging among communities. By amplifying youth voices, cities can tap into diverse perspectives, creativity, and energy, leading to more resilient and equitable urban environments.

As we navigate the complexities of urbanization, it is imperative to recognize the transformative potential of youth engagement. The Young Gamechangers Initiative exemplifies a holistic approach to urban development, one that places people at the center of the equation. As we celebrate Urban October, let us recommit ourselves to building cities that are inclusive, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of all residents, particularly our youth. Together, we can create cities that are not only livable but thriving hubs of innovation, opportunity, and diversity.


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