Michel Zuluaga
Gender and logistic advisor, Vivo Mi Calle, Colombia
Michel is a 26-year-old woman, specialist in Care policies with a gender approach and Urban Planner focused on the right to the city with advanced organizational skills based on a business and finance administrator background. Gender and logistic advisor with experience in participatory initiatives like Vivo Mi Calle, a youth-led urban regeneration project, her role mainly was mainstream the gender approach in all phases of the project focused on sexual harassment prevention and the denaturalization of gender stereotypes in the pedagogical an inside the technical team. Also, coordinate the project’s purchases and payments to suppliers. Michel has been an urban activist since 2016 advocating for equity and inclusive mobility in Cali. Founder of El Ovillo (2017), an initiative to promote equitable public spaces with a gender approach based on highlighting infrastructure problems with fabrics and yarns, It was a #FutureCitiesChallenge winner initiative in 2020.